Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi ( Answered)

When it comes to feeding your guinea pigs fruits, you need to think of the health implications for your guinea pigs.

So is kiwi fruit safe for your guinea pigs to eat?

This article will look at the benefits, risks, and if you should feed your guinea pigs kiwi. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi?

Guinea pigs can eat kiwi but in moderation. Kiwi contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are of benefit to your guinea pigs’ health. Kiwi contains a high amount of sugar and water. Overfeeding your guinea pig’s kiwi leads to diarrhea and other health-related issues. Give your guinea pigs a small amount of kiwi once or twice a week.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi

Nutrition Facts About Kiwi

Kiwi contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are of benefit to your guinea pigs.

Here is a list of nutrients found in kiwi:

  • Water
  • Fiber
  • Fat
  • Sugar
  • Protein
  • Calcium
  •  Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • Phosphorous
  • Vitamin K

Are There Any Benefits of Kiwi For Guinea Pigs?

Guinea pigs will derive benefits if you feed them kiwi in moderation. 

 Here are some of the benefits of kiwi for your guinea pigs:

High Vitamin C

Guinea pigs need vitamin C in their daily diet. Guinea pigs’ bodies can’t make vitamin C. So they get their vitamin C from their food.

Kiwi is high in vitamin C. So that is a great choice for your guinea pigs.

Lack of vitamin c in the diet of guinea can cause serious health issues for your guinea. So makes sure you include food containing Vitamin c  in their diet.

Here is a list of other foods that contain vitamin C you should feed your guinea pigs:

Vitamin C is a good antioxidant. It helps fight free radicals in your guinea pig’s body. These free radicals are responsible for diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.


Kiwi contains a good amount of fiber, which is beneficial to your guinea pigs. Fiber is important in the diet of guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs need fiber to help with their digestive health.  Guinea pigs get most of their fiber from their hay(Timothy hay ). Hay should form about 80% of their diet.

Strong Bones and Teeth

Kiwi contains a high amount of calcium. This is important for growing guinea pigs, calcium help strengthen their bones and teeth.

But older guinea pigs, don’t need too much calcium in their diet. Excess calcium cause kidney and bladder stones in guinea pigs. 

Helps Keeps Your Guinea Pigs Stay Hydrated

Kiwi contains a good amount of water. This is good for your guinea pigs, especially in hot weather.

But you must not give your guinea pigs too much kiwi due to the amount of sugar content,

Your guinea pigs shouldn’t depend on fruits for their main source of hydration. Provide your guinea pigs with fresh drinking water every day.

Water is important to help flush your guinea pig’s bladder and also stay hydrated.

Always use a water bottle to provide water for your guinea pigs. Guinea pigs can be very messy so providing water in a bowl is not a good idea.

Do not add anything to your guinea pigs’ water. Some guinea pig owners add vitamin drops to their water. This is not recommended.

Heart Health For Your Guinea Pigs

Kiwi contains a high amount of potassium. This nutrient is essential for maintaining the blood pressure of your guinea pigs.

Potassium relaxes the blood vessels of your guinea pigs to allow blood to flow to all essential organs in their bodies.

Improves Your Guinea Pigs Eye Health

Kiwi contains two known compounds zeaxanthin and lutein. These two compounds are responsible for the formation of Vitamin A in kiwi.

Vitamin A is responsible for protecting the eyes of your guinea pigs and also preventing any future blindness. 

Is It Safe For Guinea Pigs To Eat Kiwi?

Kiwi is safe for your guinea pigs to eat in moderation. However, if you feed them too much kiwi it can cause a lot of health issues for your guinea pigs.

Here are some of the risks if you overfeed your guinea pigs kiwi

Digestive issues

Kiwi is a fruit that contains a higher amount of sugar. That is why you must limit the portion size you feed your guinea pigs.

Too much sugar in the diet of your guinea leads to stomach upset and diarrhea.

So give your guinea pigs kiwi in a small amount to avoid any health issues.

Kidney And Bladder stones

Calcium is an important nutrient in the diet of guinea pigs, especially for the young growing ones.  For adult guinea pigs, too much can cause health issues.

If you feed your guinea pigs too much calcium, this can cause kidney and bladder stones. 

This causes painful urination in guinea pigs. 

How To Serve Kiwi To Your Guinea Pigs

If you want to feed your guinea pigs kiwi, you need to first get a ripe kiwi. Buy organic if you can afford it.

Wash your kiwi under running water to get rid of dirt and residual pesticides.

Peel off the skin and cut the kiwi into smaller pieces.

Put a small amount of kiwi into their food bowl.

You should remove any leftover kiwi from the cage to prevent it from attracting bacteria.

How Often Can Guinea Pigs Eat kiwi?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t be given kiwi every day. This is because kiwi contains a high amount of sugar.

Feeding your guinea pigs a diet high in sugar can impact their digestive health.

You must give your guinea pigs a small amount once or twice a week. It should be part of a balanced diet.

Can Guinea Pigs eat Kiwi Skin?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat kiwi skin. The skin even though is safe, is very tough. This can be difficult for guinea pigs to digest.

The kiwi skin can be a choking risk for your guinea pigs due to its texture.

It can harbor residual .pesticides that may harm your guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi Seeds?

Guinea pigs can eat kiwi seeds. The kiwi seeds are safe and don’t pose any choking risk to your guinea pigs.

So you don’t worry about removing the seeds. Your gerbils should be fine when given a small number of kiwi seeds.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dried Kiwi?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat dried kiwi. The dried kiwi has the water removed from it. This makes dried kiwi sweet.

The sugar content then becomes high. Feeding your guinea pigs dried kiwi leads to digestive issues such as diarrhea.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Kiwi?

Guinea pigs can’t eat frozen fruits. Frozen fruits are cold and hard. This is not good for your guinea because of the risk of choking.

So always feed your guinea pigs fresh ripen kiwi instead. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Yellow Kiwi

Guinea pigs can eat yellow kiwi fruit but in moderation.  Yellow kiwi also contains vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are beneficial for your guinea pigs’ overall health.

Final Thoughts

Guinea pigs can eat kiwi. Kiwi is full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are of benefit to their health.

Kiwi is full of water and contains a high amount of sugar.  Overfeeding your guinea pigs kiwi lead to digestive issues, and kidney and bladder stones.

You should always feed your guinea pigs kiwi in moderation. A small amount of kiwi once or twice a week is ideal. It should always be a part of a balanced diet. 


Kiwi Fruit, Raw

Yellow Kiwi

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