Feeding guinea pigs fruit is popular among cavy owners. But the fruit you choose must be safe for your guinea pigs.
Is Apricot among the fruits you can feed guinea pigs?
Let’s find out from this article.
Here’s If Guinea pigs Can Eat Apricots
Guinea pigs can eat apricots . Apricots are a good source of vitamins A, Vitamin C, Vitam E, potassium, calcium, and other nutrients which are beneficial for your guinea pigs’ overall health. Apricots contain a high amount of sugar. This can lead to digestive issues, diabetes, and obesity if you overfeed them. Give your guinea pig a slice of apricot once or twice a week as a treat.
Nutrition Facts About Apricots
Apricots contain a good amount of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals for the overall health of your guinea pigs.
Here is the list of the nutrients and their nutritional values found in one apricot(35g):
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Calories -16.8 Kcal
- water- 30.2g
- Protein -0.49g
- Fat -0.136g
- Carbohydrate – 3.88g
- Fiber – 0.7g
- Sugars -3.23g
- Calcium – 4.55mg
- Magnesium -3.5mg
- Phosphorus – 8.05mg
- Sodium – 0.35mg
- Potassium – 90.6mg
- Vitamin C – 3.5mg
- Vitamin A- 33.6mcg
- Vitamin E -0.311g
Benefits Of Feeding Guinea Pigs Apricots?
Guinea pigs need vitamins and minerals to help them stay healthy. Apricots contain Vitamins A, vitamin C, and other nutrients which play a greater role in their overall health.
Apricots have fiber, calcium, sugar, carbohydrates, potassium, iron, and phosphorus.
Here are the benefits of feeding your guinea pigs apricots:
Good hydration
Apricots have about 90% of water. This will serve as good hydration for your guinea pigs in hot weather. That said you must not feed your guinea pigs too many apricots.
Dehydration is dangerous for your guinea pigs.
Here are a few symptoms of a dehydrated guinea pig:
- Poor appetite
- hard dry feces
- crusty eyes
- dark colored urine
- thick sticky saliva
Your guinea pig’s best fluid for good hydration is fresh drinking water. They need about 80-100mls per day. Remember to change their water every day.
Good Fibre
Apricots contain a good amount of fiber. The fiber in the diet of guinea pigs helps with digestion.
As herbivores animals, guinea pigs need fiber daily to keep their bowel moving.
That said, you don’t have to feed them too many apricots. This is due to the sugar content.
Guinea pigs get most of their fiber from hayTimothy). Hay should form the bulk of their daily diet.
Promotes Bone Health
Apricots contain a good amount of calcium. Calcium is needed for healthy bone formation and development in guinea pigs.
Calcium is essential for young guinea pigs and pregnant mothers.
But older guinea pigs should avoid too much calcium in their diet. This has been known to cause bladder and kidney stones.
Eye and Skin Health
Apricots contain vitamin A . Guinea pigs need this vitamin to help with their eyesight and skin.
Lack of this vitamin has been linked to night blindness. As guinea pigs grow older, their vision tends to deteriorate.
So they need this vitamin to slow down their eyes from deteriorating and leading to the early onset of blindness.
Scurvy Prevention
Guinea pigs need vitamin C daily in their diet. They can’t produce this vitamin. They depend on hay, vegetables, and fruit sources for Vitamin C.
Apricot has a good amount of vitamin C. If you give the right serving size, your guinea pigs should derive the full benefit from it.
A diet deficient in vitamin C leads to a condition known as scurvy.
Here is a list of some of the symptoms of scurvy:
- Guinea pigs become weak and lethargic
- They have difficulty moving
- Any wound on your guinea will not heal fast
- Your guinea pigs tend to lose weight
- Your guinea pigs will stop eating
If you observe any of the above symptoms don’t hesitate to contact a qualified Vet for help and advice.
Risks Feeding Guinea Pigs Apricots
Apricots contain vitamins and minerals which have benefits for your guinea pig’s health.
However, overfeeding your guinea apricots can negate these benefits.
Here are some of the risks:
Apricots contain a good amount of sugar. Guinea pigs’ digestive systems can’t handle a large amount of sugar.
This will cause your guinea pigs to have digestive issues such as diarrhea.
So you need to limit the amount of apricot you give your guinea pigs.
If this is the first time you are feeding apricot, you need to introduce your guinea pigs gradually. Observe how they react to it.
If they show any signs of discomfort, you need to stop feeding and try after a few days.
Overfeeding your guinea pig’s apricot can lead to so many health issues. Apricots contain a high amount of sugar.
So this will pile an extra weight on your guinea pigs. If this is not checked quickly your guinea will develop obesity.
This can be fatal for your guinea pigs.
Research has shown feeding guinea pigs a diet high in carbohydrates, and a large amount of fruits and sweet treats leads to diabetes.
Apricots have a high amount of sugar. So if you overfeed your guinea pigs, their chance of getting diabetes is high.
Apricot seeds shouldn’t be given to guinea pigs. The size and shape of the seed can be a choking risk for your guinea pigs.
So dispose of them when you serve apricots to your guinea pigs.
Cyanide poisoning
Apricot seeds are dangerous for your guinea pigs. They contain a poisonous substance known as cyanide.
Cyanide can be fatal to guinea pigs. They will not survive if they ingest apricots seeds.
How To Prepare And Serve Apricots To Guinea pigs
Here is a list of instructions to follow to prepare apricot for your guinea pigs:
- Make sure you buy yellow-orange apricots. Buy organic if possible
- Wash your apricots properly under running water. This is to remove dirt and any residual pesticides
- Dry with a paper towel. Cut the apricot into two.
- Remove the pit and dispose of it.
- Cut the flesh into slices. Feed a slice. Remove any leftover apricot from your guinea pig’s bowl and wash the bowl.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apricots Every Day?
Guinea cant eat apricots. Apricots contain sugar and feeding your guinea pigs every day can cause a lot of health issues.
Too much sugar leads to obesity, diabetes, and diarrhea.
So you must feed your guinea pigs apricot in moderation.
A sliced piece of apricot once or twice a week as a treat should be fine.
Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Apricots?
Guinea pigs can eat apricots but not until after they have been weaned off their mother. You must feed baby guinea pigs apricots in moderation.
The high sugar content of apricot can be harmful to baby guinea pigs.
If this is their first time, introduce them to it gradually. A small size portion and observe any reaction.
If you notice any discomfort, stop feeding them apricots. Wait and try again after a few days
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dried Apricots?
Guinea shouldn’t eat dried apricots. Dried apricots contain a high sugar content.
Your guinea pig’s digestive cant handle large amounts of sugar. This can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea.
Your guinea pigs should rather eat raw fresh apricots. But remember it should be in moderation
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apricots’ Skin?
Guinea pigs can eat apricot skin but in moderation. Apricot skin is safe for guinea pigs, It contains vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for your guinea pig.
You need to make sure you wash the skin properly before feeding. The skin could be harboring residual pesticides which can be harmful to your cavies.
Apricots also contain a high amount of sugar. Overfeeding your guinea pigs’ apricot skin can have a huge impact on their digestive health.
So you want to limit the serving to a small portion at a time.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apricots Seed?
Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat the apricot seed. Apricot seed has no nutritional value for your guinea pigs.
It is a choking hazard for your guinea pigs. The apricot seed is hard and could damage your guinea pigs teeth
Apricot seed or pit contains a deadly substance called cyanide.
Here are a few symptoms of cyanide poisoning:
- difficulty breathing
- convulsions
- paralysis
- salivation
You should always remove the seed or pit and dispose of it. You should never give it to your guinea to play with it.
Can guinea pigs eat frozen apricots?
Guinea pigs can’t eat frozen apricots. Guinea pigs’ digestive systems can’t handle frozen food.
This can cause stomach upset or pain for them.
So avoid them completely.
Can guinea pigs eat canned apricots?
Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat canned apricots. canned contain large amounts of sugar and preservatives.
The high amount of sugar leads to diarrhea, diabetes, obesity, and vomiting.
Preservatives are made of chemicals that can be harmful to your guinea pigs.
Can Guinea Pigs Drink Apricot juice?
Guinea pigs shouldn’t drink apricot juice. Apricot juice has been processed and contains too much sugar and other additives.
Too much sugar can have a huge impact on your guinea pig’s digestive system.
So give your guinea pigs fresh drinking water instead of apple juice.
Remember to change the water every 24 hours.
Can guinea pigs eat apricot leaves?
Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat apricot leaves. Apricot leaves contain a trace of cyanide.
Cyanide poisoning can be fatal for your guinea pigs.
So only feed the flesh of the apricot.
Final Thoughts
Can guinea pigs eat apricots? Guinea pigs can eat apricots but in moderation. They contain a good amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals for your guinea pigs’ health.
Apricots have a significant amount of water content. It is about 90% water content. Apricots also contain a significant amount of sugar.
This why overfeeding your guinea pigs apricots lead to diarrhea, obesity, and diabetes.
You should never feed your guinea pigs dried apricots, canned apricot, frozen apricots, or apricot juice.
These contain a high amount of sugar and preservatives. This can cause a lot of issues for your guinea pigs.
So feed your guinea pig a slice of fresh apricot once or twice a week