Can Guinea Pigs Eat Coconut? (Explained)

Any food or treat you give your guinea pigs must be safe for consumption. Is coconut safe for your guinea pigs to eat?

You don’t want to pay an unexpected visit to the Veterinary and accrue a huge Vet bill.

So let’s find out from this article if guinea pigs can eat coconut.

Can Guinea Gigs Eat Coconut?

Guinea pigs can eat coconut. Coconut contains a good amount of minerals and vitamins which are beneficial to guinea pigs’ overall health. Coconut has a high-fat content, and guinea pigs need a small amount once or twice a week as a treat. Coconut water is safe for guinea pigs but you must give it to your guinea pigs in moderation.

can guinea pigs eat coconut?

Nutrition Facts For Coconut

Coconut contains vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for guinea pigs.

Here are the nutritional values for one piece of fresh coconut (45g) according to the United State Department Of Agriculture(USDA):

  • Calories – 159Kcal
  • Fat- 15.1 g
  • Sodium – 9g
  • Carbohydrates- 6.84g
  • Fiber – 4.05g
  • Sugar- 2.8g
  • Protein – 1,5g
  • Calcium -6.3g
  • Potassium – 160mg
  • Manganese – 0.675mg
  • Magnesium – 14.4mg
  • Iron -1.09mg
  • Copper – 0.196mg
  • Vitamin C -1.48mg
  • Vitamin B6 -0.024mg
  • Vitamin E -0.108mg

Benefits Of Coconut

Coconut has a lot of benefits due to its nutritional content. Coconut is full of minerals and vitamins.

These play an important role in keeping your guinea pigs healthy and happy.

Here is a list of the benefits of coconut:

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a requirement in the daily diet of your guinea pigs. Your guinea pigs like humans don’t make this vitamin. It is gotten through the food they eat. So feeding your guinea pigs foods rich in Vitamin C helps to add up to their daily intake.

Vitamins C helps to boost immunity and joint health. They can also be found in watermelon, strawberries, broccoli, papaya, and spinach.

Lack of Vitamin C has been linked to a condition called Scurvy.

Here is the list of the symptoms of Scurvy:

  • Weight loss
  • They become lethargic
  • dental problems
  • diarrhea
  • rough skin coat

You should consult a qualified Veterinary if you observe any of the above symptoms.


Coconut has a good amount of fiber which is beneficial for your guinea pigs. Fiber plays an essential role in the digestive health of guinea pigs. It is also good for their gut health.

Guinea pigs get a large portion of their fiber from hay. So make sure you give them unlimited access to hay(Timothy hay)


Coconut contains antioxidant compounds that protect cells from oxidative damage. Free radicals in guinea pigs’ bodies are harmful and the function of these antioxidants is to neutralize them.

Risk of Feeding Guinea Pigs Coconut

Coconuts when fed in moderation help your guinea pigs to derive the maximum benefits. It contains essential minerals and vitamins which are good for their overall health.

However, overfeeding coconut flesh carries some risks.

Here is the list of some of the risks we have outlined for you:

High Sugar Content

Coconut flesh contains sugar. Guinea pigs’ digestive systems can’t handle too much sugar.

A lot of sugar for guinea pigs leads to digestive issues such as diarrhea and vomiting. This is why you shouldn’t overfeed guinea pigs with coconut flesh.

Too much sugar if not checked can lead to diabetes.

High-Fat Content

From the nutritional value list above, you can see the fat content in coconut is very high. Feeding guinea pigs too much coconut is not recommended.

A high-fat diet can lead to obesity problems. This can go on to other health-related issues such as diabetes.


Coconut has a high amount of potassium. So overfeeding guinea pigs coconut means, their kidneys have to work hard to remove the excess potassium.

This is can put a strain on the kidney over time leading to kidney failure.

How To Prepare A Fresh Coconut

To prepare coconut and serve it to your guinea pigs, we have found this video for you to watch.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Coconut Every day?

Guinea shouldn’t be fed coconut flesh every day. The high fat and sugar content in coconut will cause health problems for your guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs should have coconut in moderation to reap the health benefits.

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Coconut Water?

Yes, guinea pigs can drink coconut water. Coconut water contains electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals. It is a good source of hydration for guinea pigs, especially during hot weather.

However, due to the high sugar levels in coconut water, guinea pigs should drink it in moderation.

Too much coconut water can upset their stomach.

The best drink for hydration for a guinea pig is water. Make sure you provide fresh drinking water every 24 hours.

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Commercially Produce Coconut Water?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t drink commercially produced coconut water. Commercial-produced coconut water contains a lot of added sugar and preservatives.

These can damage the health of your guinea pigs.

Commercial produce coconut water is highly processed, which also reduces its nutritional value.

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Coconut Milk?

Guinea pigs can drink coconut milk in moderation. There is no dairy in coconut milk. So you should expect your guinea digestive system to handle it

Lactose is found in cow milk. This can have a damaging impact on guinea pigs’ health. so never give your guinea pigs any dairy milk.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Coconut Shells?

Guinea pigs can’t eat coconut shells. Coconut shells are too hard for your guinea pig’s teeth. Coconut shells can be a choking risk if you break them into smaller pieces.

You can leave a large size coconut shell in your guinea pigs. They will nibble and play around with it. Make sure the shells have no sharp edges which can cause injury to your guinea pigs.

This can help them relieve boredom while in the cage.

Is Organic Coconut Oil Safe For Guinea Pigs To Eat?

Yes, a guinea pig can eat organic coconut oil. A small amount with a balanced diet is okay. However, giving too much can lead to health problems. Giving your guinea pigs a small amount once a week is fine due to the high-fat content.

If you are still not sure about giving your guinea pigs coconut oil, speak to a Vet for advice.

Apart from ingesting, coconut oil can be used externally on guinea pigs.

Here are some of the external use of organic coconut oil for guinea pigs:

  • Coconut oil can be massaged into the ears and skin to moisturize them.
  • You can rub coconut oil on your guinea pig’s feet if it looks dry.
  • For Bumblefoot, moisturize with coconut oil.

Final Thoughts

Can guinea pigs eat coconut? Guinea pigs can eat coconut but in moderation. Coconuts contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals which are beneficial to your guinea pigs’ overall health.

Give your guinea pigs a small amount of coconut once or twice a week as a treat.

Coconut contains a high amount of fat.

Guinea pigs can drink coconut water but in moderation. Coconut oil is safe for guinea pigs but always use organic and preservative-free coconut oil.

You can also use coconut oil as a moisturizer for your guinea pig skin and coat.


Coconut meat, raw

Bumblefoot (infection)

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