Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple? ( Find Out Here)

There are so many fruits you can give to your guinea pigs as a treat. Is pineapple safe for your guinea pigs to eat?

Let’s find out from this article

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple?

Guinea pigs can eat pineapple. Pineapples are a good source of Vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and other nutrients which are beneficial for your guinea pigs’ overall health. Pineapples contain a high amount of sugar. This can lead to digestive issues, diabetes, and obesity if you overfeed them. Give your guinea pig a bite-size pineapple once or twice a week as a treat.

can guinea pigs eat pineapple?

Nutrition Facts About Pineapple

Pineapple is packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals and vitamins.

Below is the list of nutritional facts about 100g of raw pineapple according to the United state Department of Agriculture.

  • water – 85g
  • Calories – 60kcal
  • Protein -0.46g
  • Fat – 0.21g
  • Carbohydrate – 14.1g
  • Fiber -0.9g
  • Sugars -11.4g
  • Citric acid -685mg
  • Calcium – 12mg
  • Magnesium – 13.4mg
  • Phosphorous – 5mg
  • Potassium – 137mg
  • Vitamin C -58.6mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.11mg

Benefits Of Pineapple For Guinea Pigs

Pineapple contains minerals and vitamins which are beneficial for the overall health of your guinea pigs. Pineapple also contains an anti-inflammatory enzyme called bromelain.

Here are the benefits of pineapple for your guinea pigs:

Scurvy Prevention

Pineapple has a high amount of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a daily requirement for guinea pigs. Because guinea pigs can’t make their vitamin C, they obtain it from their food.

So providing foods rich in vitamin C contributes to your guinea pigs’ daily dose. The required daily dose of Vitamin C for a guinea pig is about 10-20mg. Pregnant, nursing, young, sick guinea pigs need more vitamin C.

Lack of vitamin C has been liked to a disease known as scurvy.

Here are some of the symptoms of scurvy :

  • Guinea pigs become weak and lethargic
  • They have difficulty moving
  • Any wound on your guinea will not heal fast
  • Your guinea pigs tend to lose weight
  • Your guinea pigs will stop eating

Good For Hydration

pineapple is made up of about 87% water content. This makes it a good treat in the hot summer. That said you must give your guinea pigs pineapple in moderation.

The best fluid for good hydration for your guinea pigs is water. Water plays an essential role in the function of the vital organs of your guinea pigs.

So make sure you are providing their daily water requirement. The daily minimum water requirement for each guinea pig is 80-100mls per day.

Muscle Health

Pineapple contains a good amount of magnesium. This helps to prevent muscle cramps and promotes strong bones.

It also helps to regulate blood pressure.

Risks Of Feeding Guinea Pigs Pineapple

Pineapple is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These are beneficial to the overall health of your guinea pigs.

However, overfeeding your guinea pig pineapples comes with some risks.

Here is the list of the risks:

Diabetes and Obesity

Pineapple contains a high sugar content. As you can see from the list of nutritional values above, 100g of pineapple contains about 11.4g of sugar.

This is quite a lot of natural sugars. That is why it’s important to serve pineapple as a treat and in moderation.

overfeeding your guinea pig’s pineapple leads to obesity. If this is not checked, it develops into diabetes.

So it is imperative to consider the side portion you are feeding your guinea pigs.

Urinary issues

Urinary issues are common among guinea pigs. This is a result of too much calcium in their diet.

Calcium is good for young guinea pigs. This help with maintaining and developing their bones. Pregnant mothers also need calcium during their pregnancy

Pineapple is rich in calcium. But overfeeding your guinea pigs pineapple, especially older ones lead to kidney and bladder stones.

This can be painful and uncomfortable for your guinea pigs.

Digestive issues

As you are aware the sugar content in pineapple is high. That is why you have to limit the amount of pineapple you give your guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs’ digestive systems can’t handle a large amount of sugar.

Too much sugar leads to digestive such as diarrhea and vomiting.

How To Prepare Pineapple For Guinea Pigs

Below is a video on how to prepare a pineapple:

How much pineapple can I give my guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat pineapple every day. This is due to the high sugar content in fresh pineapple. Too much sugar leads to digestive issues and other health-related problems.

You must always feed your guinea pigs pineapple in moderation,

Your guinea pigs must be fed a small bite-size once or twice a week.

If this first time you are feeding your guinea pigs pineapple, introduce them to it gradually.

Give a small piece and observe how they react to it.

If you notice any discomfort in your guinea pigs after eating the pineapple, you need to stop feeding them. Try again after a couple of days.

Don’t feed your guinea pigs again if they are still showing signs of discomfort.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple Core?

Guinea pigs can’t eat pineapple core. Although the pineapple core is safe, it is too hard for your guinea pigs.

The pineapple core is more bitter than the flesh.

Can Guinea pigs Eat Pineapple Leaves?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat pineapple leaves. The leaves can harbor residual pesticides.

Pineapple leaves are also difficult for your guinea pigs to digest. It can be a choking risk for your guinea pigs.

So feed your guinea pigs the pineapple flesh instead of the leaves.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Pineapple?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat frozen fruits. The nutrients in frozen fruit tend to deplete over time.

Your guinea pig’s digestive system can’t handle frozen fruit. So you must feed your guinea pigs the fresh flesh of the pineapple.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Pineapple?

Guinea pigs can’t eat canned pineapple. Canned pineapple is loaded with sugar and preservatives or additives.

These can impact the health of your guinea pigs.

The canning process also reduces the nutritional value of the pineapple. So it is best to always feed your guinea pigs fresh pineapple flesh.

You must watch the amount you feed your guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dried Pineapple?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t et dried pineapple. Dried pineapple has sugar concentrated through the process of drying.

Therefore the amount of sugar is high.

The dried pineapple you buy from the shop has sugar added and preservatives. These are harmful to your guinea pigs.

The high amount of sugar can lead to an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Pineapple Juice?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t drink pineapple juice. Pineapple juice has the fiber taken out. The juice undergoes processing before being sold on the market.

In addition, pineapple juice has a high amount of natural sugar.

Guinea pigs’ digestive systems can’t handle a large amount of sugar. Too much sugar leads to digestive health issues, obesity, and diabetes.

Your guinea pigs should rather be fed the pineapple flesh. But remember in moderation.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple Skin?

Guinea pigs can’t eat pineapple skin. Pineapple skin is hard and rough. This can be a choking risk for your guinea pigs.

The skin can harbor dangerous bacteria and residual pesticides. These are harmful to your guinea pigs.

Final Thoughts

Can guinea pigs eat pineapple? Guinea pigs can eat pineapple but in moderation. Pineapple contains a good amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are beneficial to your guinea pigs’ overall health.

Pineapple has about 87% of water content. It also has a significant amount of sugar. This is why you mustn’t feed your guinea pigs too many pineapples.

Overfeeding guinea pigs with pineapple leads to diarrhea, obesity, and diabetes

Guinea pigs shouldn’t be fed dried pineapple, canned pineapple, frozen pineapple or pineapple juice. These contain high levels of sugar and other ingredients that pose a risk to your guinea pigs.

Give your guinea pigs a bite-size pineapple once or twice a week.


Pineapple, raw

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